Fort Cumberland Masterplan

Pritchard Architecture are really excited to be part of the team chosen by Historic England to develop a visionary masterplan for their site at Fort Cumberland. We will be working with LDA Design as lead consultant, alongside Buro Happold, BSG Ecology, Peter Gunning and Partners, JANVS|VIDAR and Lambert Smith Hampton.

Fort Cumberland, (1746-1812 with later buildings and features), is the last self-contained, fully bastioned fortress to be built in England. Little altered from its original condition it is one of the most impressive pieces of 18th century defensive architecture remaining in England.  The site comprises two forts, the latter built on the site of the former. It contains Grade II and II* listed building and the whole site is designated a Scheduled Ancient Monument.

Fort Cumberland is the base for HE’s Archaeology, Archaeological Science and Archaeological Archives. It is also the home of the Nautical Archaeology Society who occupy the property as tenants of HE.

Development of the masterplan will involve a comprehensive review of the opportunities and constraints presented by the Fort Cumberland site to inform decision making to secure its future regeneration and re-use.